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Kevin Basil

There is no need at all to make long discourses; it is enough to stretch out one's hand and say, “Lord, as you will, and as you know, have mercy.” And if the conflict grows fiercer say, “Lord help!” God knows very well what we need and He shows us His mercy.
Abba Macarius

«— Haiti Relief
—» Lenten Meditation I: On the purpose of the fast

Hymns for Lent

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sung at Psalm 50(51)
In Tone VIII:

Open the gates of repentance for me, O giver of life, * for at early morning my spirit seeks your holy temple * though the temple of my body remains defiled. * In your compassion, cleanse it with your loving kindness and your mercy.

Direct me back to the path of repentance, O Theotokos, * for I have defiled my soul with sin, and wasted my life in laziness. * By your prayers, preserve me from every impurity of soul and body.

Then, Tone VI:
Have mercy on me, O God, in your kindness, * in your great tenderness wipe out my sin.

When I ponder the number of my sins, * the day of judgment looms before me. * But in your compassion do I trust, O Lord, * and, like David, I implore you: * Have mercy on me, O God, in your kindness.

These hymns are sung after the reading of the resurrection gospels on Saturday evenings. They are sung from the beginning of pre-lent until the end of the great fast (Lent). Pre-lent begins on the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee, yesterday. Lent ends with the Saturday of Lazarus, marking the transition to holy week. This year, Lazarus Saturday is March 27. This year we see one of the earliest dates for Easter (Pascha) in the East. Easter falls on the same date in both Eastern and Western calendars this year. (This serendipity is a coincidence of the two formulas for determining the date of Easter and not, unfortunately, a sign of sympathy for union among the Orthodox.)

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Filed under: — Basil @ 8:53 am

«— Hymns for Theophany
—» Hymns for Lent

Haiti Relief

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It has been almost a week since the devastating 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Carrefour (car-FOO), Haiti, just southwest of Port-au-Prince, the capital.

I suspect that my church’s charitable organization is funneling funds to other charities with resources on the ground in Haiti; this is good but not exactly efficient. With that in mind, here are some charities that already have resources in Haiti.

The easiest way to get some money to Haitian relief efforts is to pick up your phone and text “Haiti” to 90999. This will charge $10 to your phone bill and give it to the American Red Cross, which has had a presence in Haiti for 5 years. Twitter: @RedCross

Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) has been in Haiti since 1991. Twitter: @msf_usa

The New York Times Haiti Earthquake Recovery group on Facebook posted a list of the top ten most efficient charities in Haiti from Charity Navigator, a non-profit group dedicated to evaluating the effectiveness of charities and protecting donors from fraud and waste. Twitter: @CharityNav.

I would be remiss if I did not mention the efforts of several missionary friends of mine. Quisqueya Christian School in Port-au-Prince is still standing, miraculously. As a result, it has become a center for relief efforts. A nearby orphanage collapsed, and it is providing housing for the newly homeless orphans. It is also providing space for doctors to treat the many people wounded in the earthquake. Many of the staff lost homes and family and are living in tents on the football (soccer) field. There is a PayPal link on their webpage. Charity Navigator has not rated their effectiveness; I can only offer you my assurance that the people I know who run the school, as well as alumni, are of the highest caliber. They do not have a Twitter account.

A letter today from my church’s charitable organization strengthened my suspicion that they do not have their own resources on the ground in Haiti. I believe they are simply funneling funds and resources to other charitable organizations. This is good, because many people give to charities they know and trust without researching their capabilities and infrastructure. I hope this article provides you with other outlets, should you desire to make more efficient use of your donations.

(Aside: My thoughts are intended only for individuals trying to decide where to give their money. If your local parish is participating by collecting funds or necessary items, such as toiletries, please participate fully. If it is not, encourage your priest or pastor to organize something locally.)

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Filed under: — Basil @ 10:57 pm

«— Fixed Email Form
—» Haiti Relief

Hymns for Theophany

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Troparion, Tone I
When you were baptized in the Jordan, O Lord, * the worship of the Trinity was revealed to the world. * For the voice of the Father witnessed to you by calling you his beloved Son, * and the Spirit, in the form of a dove, confirmed the truth of his words. * O Christ, our God, * you have appeared to us and enlightened all the world. * Glory to you.

Troparion, Tone IV
Today, the Trinity, which alone is divine, * reveals itself to us in its unique, overflowing goodness. * The Father speaks from the heavens as the Son is baptized, * and the Holy Spirit, too, makes his presence felt. * And we who perceive all this by faith, cry out together: * Glory to you for revealing yourself to us, O our God.

Kondakion, Tone IV
Today, you have appeared to the world, O Lord, * and your light shines forth on us who sing your praises with understanding: * You have come, you have revealed yourself to us, O inaccessible light.

Jerusalem Troparion, Tone V
By revealing yourself to the world, * you made your light shine forth on all creation. * The salty sea of unbelief receded * and the Jordan carried us to heaven by turning back on its course. * By your lofty commandments, O Christ, our God, * preserve us through the prayers of the Theotokos, and save us.

Exapostilarion, Tone III
Our saviour comes to us this day: * In the flowing Jordan grace and truth reveals himself, * to enlighten with his brilliant light * those who languish in the dark, * for the light beyond our reach has appeared this day.

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Filed under: — Basil @ 12:36 pm