Kevin Basil (signature)

Hymns for Theophany

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Written by Basil on 01/6/2010 12:36 PM. Filed under:

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Troparion, Tone I
When you were baptized in the Jordan, O Lord, * the worship of the Trinity was revealed to the world. * For the voice of the Father witnessed to you by calling you his beloved Son, * and the Spirit, in the form of a dove, confirmed the truth of his words. * O Christ, our God, * you have appeared to us and enlightened all the world. * Glory to you.

Troparion, Tone IV
Today, the Trinity, which alone is divine, * reveals itself to us in its unique, overflowing goodness. * The Father speaks from the heavens as the Son is baptized, * and the Holy Spirit, too, makes his presence felt. * And we who perceive all this by faith, cry out together: * Glory to you for revealing yourself to us, O our God.

Kondakion, Tone IV
Today, you have appeared to the world, O Lord, * and your light shines forth on us who sing your praises with understanding: * You have come, you have revealed yourself to us, O inaccessible light.

Jerusalem Troparion, Tone V
By revealing yourself to the world, * you made your light shine forth on all creation. * The salty sea of unbelief receded * and the Jordan carried us to heaven by turning back on its course. * By your lofty commandments, O Christ, our God, * preserve us through the prayers of the Theotokos, and save us.

Exapostilarion, Tone III
Our saviour comes to us this day: * In the flowing Jordan grace and truth reveals himself, * to enlighten with his brilliant light * those who languish in the dark, * for the light beyond our reach has appeared this day.

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