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Kevin Basil

Sure, evolution as such is not to be found in the book containing what God gave Moses as an explanation of origins suitable for illiterate nomads. No, and beer is not mentioned in the Bible either, though man has been making it for about twelve centuries.
Bishop Tikhon of San Francisco, Los Angeles and the West

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Happy Anniversary to My Blog

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It’s been five years since I first blogged. Oddly, the first post wasn’t really the first.

It’s funny how you remember things. I thought I’d been blogging for longer than I’d been Orthodox. But my chrismation in the Orthodox Church in America predates my first post by three months. Fascinating.

Let’s look back on the last five years. Some of my top posts by hits:

I consider this an aberration, yet it continues to be my most popular post. Quite humbling for someone who considers one of his primary subjects to be his Orthodox Christian faith.
Saint Emily
I am considerably prouder of this post. Previous to writing this, I was unable to find a comprehensive description of St Emily’s life. I compiled this one from various references to her in the lives of other saints, such as my namesake, St Basil the Great, and his sister, St Macrina the Younger. This article served as the basis for the article in OrthodoxWiki.
New Navy Uniforms
Not sure why my quote with a cropped photograph is so popular.

To be continued, with a look back at my favorite posts. If anyone still reads this, you may nominate your own favorites in the comments.

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