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Kevin Basil

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
Benjamin Franklin

«— Butterfly Kiss-Off
—» Hairology

People who are always right

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James takes issue with people who are always right. So is he saying these “people” need some help with their logic skills? Or is he saying that they point out the fallacies in his own arguments, and therefore he needs help with his? Just kidding. In fact, I totally relate.

Yesterday, I left my iPod at work, plugged in, fully charged. It had been paused on a song (I can’t remember which one.) This doesn’t bother me, because leaving it allows the duty sonarmen to have some music to pass the time after everyone has gone home.

I arrived this morning to find it was on a game (my iPod has games?), unplugged, and the battery nearly depleted. I said to no one in particular, “I wish people wouldn’t play games on my iPod unplugged when the charger is right there!” A cow-orker spoke up rather angrily (as if being accused) and affirmed in as forceful a manner as possible that no one had messed with my excrement. When I tried to point out to him that iPods don’t play games and run down their batteries by themselves, he again, more forcefully, asserted that no one had messed with my excrement.

The mind boggles at the logic. Or perhaps he thinks raising his voice would make me infer that I have a ghost in my machine.

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Filed under: — Basil @ 7:38 pm