Butterfly Kiss-Off
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There are many points in this editorial that give pause for thought, but this one piqued my interest:
There are reasonable compromises that address the most serious concerns, which, it is fair to say, are more educational and ethical than environmental. For weddings, butterfly farms could be required to ship only sterile adults. Of course, research would be needed to find the right dose of radiation or chemosterilant for a butterfly species, but the breeders claim to be concerned about wild butterflies and the butterfly association could “walk the walk†of conservation by offering some money for studies. The neutered butterflies might be a bit more expensive, but cost can’t be a big issue for a father of the bride who’s already plunking down $300 for the “Fill the Sky†package.
It strikes me that this is another indication that our culture has absolutely no sense of symbolism whatsoever. Releasing sterilized butterflies at a wedding?
Read the entire article: Butterfly Kiss-Off – New York Times