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Kevin Basil

“Satan is angry at what has been done here tonight, and the devil will seek to attack you, personally and corporately, to sow seeds of doubt and sin.” [in an exhortation to newly-illumined faithful at St. John the Forerunner, Indianapolis]
Archbishop Job of Chicago and the Midwest

«— Kentucky writers speak out against mountaintop removal
—» Professor’s Email Outrages Muslims

Muslims Threaten Violence, Christians Just Shrug

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Saw this on Dhimmi Watch: Muslims demanded that a Cologne brothel change its World Cup-themed ad because it displayed a nude woman with flags of Islamic nations. I was going to look at the original article and laugh, or shake my head, or perhaps cluck my tongue.

Then, I saw that the brothel was named Pascha. That’s right; a Cologne brothel is named after the holiest day of the Christian year. Muslims threaten violence over national flags, but Orthodox Christians in Germany, I suppose, are not as threatening to the brothel owners.

Read more: BBC News, Europe: German brothel ad angers Muslims (warning: the article’s photo may not be age or work appropriate, depending on your level of tolerance).

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