On Freedom in Christ
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Christ is risen! What follows is a Scriptural reflection on freedom in Christ, which often needs to be reframed for converts to Orthodoxy from other Christian traditions. What does this freedom mean? Is it freedom from sin and death? Is it freedom from legalism? Do the Orthodox even know what freedom in Christ is?
It does mean freedom from sin and death, certainly, as “Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death, and upon those in the grave bestowing life!” (Paschal troparion-hymn) The law of death, according to many Greek fathers, is the law of sin; we pervert our natural tendency to move towards God because we fear death. Our mortality is the mechanism by which we all inherit original sin. Christ’s Pasch frees us from death and from the power of sin, and we are free indeed.
However, as St. Paul notes, we are not freed to commit more sin. Read the rest of “On Freedom in Christ”