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Kevin Basil

He who sings prays twice.
Saint Augustine

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Of Vintage and the Virgin

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OCA – Scripture Readings – May 9, 2005

There are two things that stand out to me about today’s Gospel every time I read it.

First, this is the last time we see the Lord’s mother speaking in Scripture. Her last words to us are, “Whatever he tells you, do it.” We first hear the Virgin’s voice in the writing of the evangelist St Luke. After expressing her wonder at learning that she will be a mother without the usual means of impregnation, she quietly and humbly submits to God’s will, “Ecce ancilla domini fiat mihi secundum verbum — Behold, the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be unto me according to your word.”

By way of two separate evangelists writing with two distinct purposes, we learn the first and last thing about being Christians from the exemplar of our faith: Submission to God’s word and will as his humble servants and handmaids, and faithful execution of his commands.

Second — need it even be said? — our Lord’s first miracle was turning dirty water into the finest wine possible. Look closely at the story: The master of the ceremony explains that most people bring out the good wine first and save the cheap wine until people can’t tell the difference anymore — that is to say, when they’re getting drunk.

Our Lord always brings out the finest vintage when we think we can expect no more than the cheap wine we have.

Today’s Dynamis also focuses on today’s reading as the foundation of marriage as a Christian sacrament.

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