The Trinity and the Incarnation Displaced, Etc.
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A few bloglets:
- Christian theology does not revolve around the Trinity and the Incarnation. That’s the bold assertion of a paper I’m reading by the Priest John Behr, entitled “The Paschal Foundation of Christian Theology”. I’ve read other articles by Fr. John before, and he is a scholar of the first rank. Of course, what else would one expect from a protegé of Bp. Kallistos (Ware)?
- It is nearly impossible to buy clothes for someone my size and shape. Alana (Juliana) can vouch for me on this score, because her husband is similarly long and slender. The worst is when you think a 32-inch inseam will work, maybe: So you stick it up next to your leg, and it looks like it will cover your ankle nicely. Then you get it home, and it barely covers said appendage. Then you curse God for making you this way and for allowing you to forget the last time you did exactly the same thing. Well, I didn’t curse God, just myself. I think I’m learning to tell the difference.
- I missed services this morning. I didn’t call the people who have been giving me rides to church. Also, somewhere in the back of my mind, I have a nagging suspicion that maybe they told me to find alternate transportation last week, since maybe they were going out of town. Maybe. Or maybe I’m making that one up. I stood outside waiting for half an hour, then went back inside and made some coffee. Happiness is early coffee on a Sunday morning. Then I sat down and prayed the entire morning rule from the STS Press Orthodox Daily Prayers. About forty-five minutes total, which included a slow, reflective reading of today’s Epistle and Gospel in two translations with patristic commentary on each reading, and the insertion of many, many names into the daily commemorations. And coffee. Ahhh. If I can’t receive our Lord and God in the Eucharist, at least I can have the next best thing. I should blog about coffee as the revelation of God transfiguring common realities. Oh, wait. Someone already does.
- A few weeks ago, Joel (Thomas) Wilson was tonsured a reader and blessed to serve as a subdeacon. Thanks to Joshua Coolman, who blogged about it and added a phot0graph.
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