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Kevin Basil

Sure, evolution as such is not to be found in the book containing what God gave Moses as an explanation of origins suitable for illiterate nomads. No, and beer is not mentioned in the Bible either, though man has been making it for about twelve centuries.
Bishop Tikhon of San Francisco, Los Angeles and the West

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Eis Polla Eti, Despota

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Thanks to Josh Coolman for a photo of Gideon, Theophan and Athanasius being tonsured readers. This is especially cool for me, since I had to miss the whole dad-blamed thing.

Other contra mundum bloggers who have written about Abp. Dmitri’s visit:

  • Victoria (Theodora): “…completely unaffected in his role. I got the distinct impression that he wanted to be treated properly as the bishop because that is what ‘Bishop’ is, not that he was demanding it for himself.”
  • Chris (Dmitri): “To be tonsured in our Church is to voluntarily give up freedoms; the sacrifice given to God is larger for each order, but it is inherent in each one.”
  • Alana (Juliana): “Ten years ago, I watched the something inside of this man die with the three a.m. phonecall [informing him] of the Missouri car wreck that killed his parents and sister.”
  • James: “This weekend our archbishop, the Most Rev. Dmitri, visited our church for the first time.”

Newly-tonsured Readers Gideon, Athanasius, and Theophan have not yet blogged about the weekend or their experience of being tonsured. I guess the longer we wait, the better the vintage.

Update: Reader Theophan posted a tiny bit on his blog in response to Dmitri’s post, linked above. He also left a comment here.

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