Eis Polla Eti, Despota
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Thanks to Josh Coolman for a photo of Gideon, Theophan and Athanasius being tonsured readers. This is especially cool for me, since I had to miss the whole dad-blamed thing.
Other contra mundum bloggers who have written about Abp. Dmitri’s visit:
- Victoria (Theodora): “…completely unaffected in his role. I got the distinct impression that he wanted to be treated properly as the bishop because that is what ‘Bishop’ is, not that he was demanding it for himself.”
- Chris (Dmitri): “To be tonsured in our Church is to voluntarily give up freedoms; the sacrifice given to God is larger for each order, but it is inherent in each one.”
- Alana (Juliana): “Ten years ago, I watched the something inside of this man die with the three a.m. phonecall [informing him] of the Missouri car wreck that killed his parents and sister.”
- James: “This weekend our archbishop, the Most Rev. Dmitri, visited our church for the first time.”
Newly-tonsured Readers Gideon, Athanasius, and Theophan have not yet blogged about the weekend or their experience of being tonsured. I guess the longer we wait, the better the vintage.
Update: Reader Theophan posted a tiny bit on his blog in response to Dmitri’s post, linked above. He also left a comment here.