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Kevin Basil

The truth will make you odd.
Flannery O’Connor

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Removing Permanent Marker from a Dry-erase Board

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Permanent marker on a dry-erase board! Your [boss|child] grabs a random marker and starts [writing|scribbling]. Now it’s permanently stained! A quick Google rounded up several helpful pages. Some highlights from the most helpful page:

  • Toothpaste — this is what I used, and it worked like a charm. The permanent marker was set, too, brother.
  • Dry erase marker — unbelievably, this is a neat trick. However, it still leaves a residue behind. The toothpaste removed all trace.
  • WD-40 — untried, although Matushka says this also works for crayons on walls.

Also, keep in mind that window cleaner (like Windex®) is basically the same stuff as “dry erase board cleaner” and cheaper.

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