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Kevin Basil

Sure, evolution as such is not to be found in the book containing what God gave Moses as an explanation of origins suitable for illiterate nomads. No, and beer is not mentioned in the Bible either, though man has been making it for about twelve centuries.
Bishop Tikhon of San Francisco, Los Angeles and the West

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Half-way There

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Update: Fr. Joseph Huneycutt notes the mid-fast by quoting St. Theodore the Studite:

Lent is already galloping past and the soul rejoices at the imminence of Pascha, because by it it finds rest and is relieved of many toils.

…it is as if our whole life directs its reason contemplating the eternal Pascha. For this present Pascha, even though it is great and revered, is nevertheless, as our fathers explain, only a type of that Pascha to come. For this Pascha is for one day and it passes, while that Pascha has no successor. From it pain, grief and sighing have fled away; there everlasting joy, gladness and rejoicing; there the sound of those who feast, a choir of those who keep festival and contemplation of eternal light; where there is the blessed breakfast of Christ and the new drink of which Christ spoke, I shall not drink of the fruit of this vine, until I drink it with you new in the kingdom of my Father.

Although this past Sunday, the Sunday of the Holy Cross, is the half-way point for Great Lent (as noted by several priests), today is the half-way point for the whole thing, from Clean Monday to Holy Saturday.

Oh! We’re half-way there:
Oh-oh! Livin’ on a prayer!
Take my hand, and we’ll make it, I swear.
Oh-oh! Livin’ on a prayer!

Peace to all that are observing the fast as they are able.

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