Deadly Force
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Deadly force: force that a person uses causing, or that a person knows would create a substantial risk of causing, death or serious bodily harm (e.g., broken bones, internal bleeding). Deadly force, under Department of Defense Directive 5210.56, is authorized under the following circumstances:
- all lesser means have failed, cannot be reasonably employed, or are unavailable,
- the risk of death or serious bodily harm to innocent bystanders is not significantly increased by its use, and
- one or more of the following circumstances necessitates its use:
- Defense of self and defense of others
- Protecting assets vital to national security (such as nuclear reactor information, or detailed plans that could endanger the lives of service men and women, as well as civilian workers and bystanders)
- Protecting assets not vital to national security but inherently dangerous to others (such as bombs or spent nuclear fuel)
- Prevention of serious offenses against others (rape, aggravated assault, etc.)
- Apprehension of persons designated as posing a grave threat to national security or public health and safety
- Prevention of escape of persons designated as in the previous item
- Protection of public health and safety (e.g., poisoning of water supplies)
(This is for DoD military and civilian personnel performing security duties. It does not apply under fire during time of war or in situations where specific Rules of Engagement apply.)
It required that DoD personnel carrying firearms have the applicable portions of the directive linked above memorized.
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Copyright © 2002–2011 Kevin Robert (Basil) Fritts, all rights reserved.
September 16th, 2006 at 12:01 am
This looks like the general outline for the Use of deadly force in the police world. Minus the Nuclear weapons.
September 16th, 2006 at 12:04 am
Well, Matthew, this is for DoD personnel standing security duties, so it applies to DoD civilian police, military police, sentries, gate guards, and the like. Very similar situations would be applicable.