Coming Again Soon
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No, not the Rapture. I think I’m going to be cranking up the old mailing list again. If you’re not a member, it’s easy, and you don’t even have to receive mail. There are several different options for reading the mailings I send out, including just reading it on the website above. Mailings are only sent out with my approval (or a designated administrator in my absence), so there won’t be any flame wars or ten “Me, too” emails for every update I put out.
Obviously, the list is “opt-in.” I don’t assume that you want to know about my life and start spamming your inbox with notes about my latest visit to the eye doctor. If you don’t care, that’s your business. (For the techies, Yahoo! Groups takes care of the technical details of opt-in confirmation.) It’s possible for me to manually add someone if they really are unable to complete the confirmation process, but the need for that, so far, has been rare.