Kentucky writers speak out against mountaintop removal
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I wrote before about mountaintop mining in Kentucky. A recent article in the Kentucky Herald-Leader is interesting because it mentions at least one author actually affected by the practice, Letcher County native Artie Ann Bates.
One of the most impassioned speakers was Artie Ann Bates, a writer and native of Letcher County, whose family’s homeplace has been ravaged by strip mining.
“I could go stark raving mad if I think about all the things that have gone wrong in this place,” Bates said. All the mountains in the area have been lowered by at least 150 feet by mining, she said.
I suppose extremely passionate people who think this is a pretty cool way to treat the earth could argue that Letcher County is not really in Eastern Kentucky. That’d be tough, but have at it. Or perhaps there’s some ad hominem reason why Ms. Bates is not credible. Please, let us hear it.
Read more: Kentucky writers speak out against mountaintop removal