Online Church
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This one belongs in its own category — “You can’t make this s—— up!”
Cyberspace Church Experiment Ends After Four Months:
“Methodism’s 18th century founder, John Wesley, said, ‘The world is my parish,’� Jenkins says. “And 300 years later, that parish includes cyberspace as well.�
Goddard drew upon the writing and experience of the apostle Paul when he delivered the Church of Fools’ final sermon. In “I Long to See You,� Goddard told the virtual congregants that he felt as Paul did when writing to the Romans, many of whom he had never seen yet felt he knew well.
“Never having met someone, not seeing them, not being physically with them, doesn’t imply lack of reality, depth and care as far as Paul is concerned,â€? Goddard typed that day for worshippers to read.
The “fool-for-Christ’s-sake” in me wants to plant a cross in their front yard. Since they’re Methodists, we’ll naturally want to give it some flame, too.