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Kevin Basil

“Satan is angry at what has been done here tonight, and the devil will seek to attack you, personally and corporately, to sow seeds of doubt and sin.” [in an exhortation to newly-illumined faithful at St. John the Forerunner, Indianapolis]
Archbishop Job of Chicago and the Midwest

«— Mutterings for November 21
—» Just To Settle the Question

Bloglets for 22 November

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  • “Scattered Prose for a Little Rose”: Xenia Kathryn at The Daily Grab Bag with a powerful little bit on the Mystery of the Eucharist: “He marched up to the Chalice, little man. / Oh, he knew what he was doing, and he didn’t need my guidance. / I needed his.”
  • The Pontificator has been putting us into a marital state of mind recently. Yesterday, he quoted St. John Chrysostom: “Show her that you value her company, and prefer being at home to being out. Esteem her in the presence of your friends and children.” Today, he has an interesting discourse on the meaning of “one flesh” by Rabbi Manis Friedman: “Yet if God was trying to tell Adam and Eve that He intended marriage to be intimate, why didn’t He say, ‘Become one heart, one mind, and one soul’? Because becoming one flesh refers to an intimacy even greater than that of being of one heart, one mind, and one soul.”
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