Warning: Undefined property: linknotes::$are_links in /var/www/vhosts/basil/kbsite/blog/wp-content/plugins/linknotes.php on line 73
Someone sent this to me in an email, so I pass it along to you. Hopefully, I will get the syntax of the object
tag right. I didn’t. Click the link instead.
Here is the text of the email:
Hey Guys,
This is really freaky!
Subject: Do you see it?? OMG you really can see it……….
YOU MUST READ THIS FIRST!!!! And be sure your speakers are on!
This is a Car Advertisement that was never released. Watch your screen closely with the SOUND ON…you do need sound. When the film crew finished filming the Car Ad, the people who edited it noticed something moving along the side of the car, like a ghostly white mist. The Ad was never put on TV because of the unexplained ghostly phenomenon frightened the production team out of their wits. Watch closely as the car comes from behind the trees about halfway through the commercial, look and you will see the white mist crossing in front of the car, then following it along the road…Spooky!
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