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Kevin Basil

When I walk into an Orthodox Church… one is immediately aware that one has stepped into the presence of what Saint Paul would call the whole family in heaven and earth. You have stepped into the precincts of heaven!
Thomas Howard

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—» Eis Polla Eti, Despota

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Whoah. What a wild, strange ride. Upgrading to WordPress 1.2 “Mingus” was quite a bit more difficult than I expected it would be.

Now that I’ve cleared out my database nearly completely (leaving only the posts and comments tables) and started over from scratch, all should be well. Comments are back up, and I can FINALLY LOG IN AGAIN!

This was amazingly hard, given that I could only use a pc for 30-minute increments. Lesson? Be more organized about backing up data before upgrading any software.

I’ll probably forget that lesson, though.

You’ll notice that the front page is the default WordPress design. That’s because I’ve run out of time, again. I’ll probably return to something like the old design eventually. At the very least, I will have links to the rest of my site eventually.

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Filed under: — Basil @ 4:29 pm