Getting Down to the Wire
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I ship out to boot camp in less than a week! I’ve set up an email list with Yahoo!; I don’t know what I broke in Majordomo on my mail server, but I’ve run out of time to try and fix it. I currently have it set up so that only I and one other person can send emails, so it won’t become a spam sieve. Of course, I’ll probably have stuff posted here, too. I’m just trying to accomodate as many people as necessary.
I love you all, and I will miss most of you. (Even you, Mr. Hibbity-Gibbity.) You are all in my prayers. I hope that something in all of this blather will have been helpful for you spiritually. May what is true take root in your hearts, and my what is my own invention be forgotten as a tumbleweed is forgotten in the wastes.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.