Kevin Basil (signature)

More Dazzling in Lexington

Next article: Karl’s Interview, Part II: Authority, Uniformity, Unity, and Communion
Previous article: Karl’s Interview, Part I: Choosing a Patron

Written by Basil on 09/23/2003 2:33 PM. Filed under:

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Here’s an update on a past post about a non-canonical parish in Lexington: Priest gets new start in new parish.

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3 Responses to “More Dazzling in Lexington”

  1. Chris J. Davis Says:

    I think this line says it all: Services started 25 minutes late and the acolyte wore a Planet of the Apes T-shirt.

    Just scary.

  2. Christopher G. Naughton Says:


  3. JoelThomas Says:

    “I can also be myself, so it’s wonderfully freeing,” Waibel said. Buddy, you’ve got no idea who you really are and have no clue what you were created to be.
    This is all so sad. “Our Father-Mother God” Lord, have mercy!