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Kevin Basil

“The more I study the history of the Orthodox Church in this country, the more I am convinced that our work here is God's work; that God himself is helping us; that when it seems as though everything we do is ready to fail, …on the contrary, it not only does not die, but grows in new strength and brilliance.” [said just before leaving the United States for Russia]
Saint Tikhon, enlightener of America

«— Sadness….
—» Slight Course Correction

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Oh, no! Las Vegas is far more dangerous than we previously suspected! After all of the joking about the obvious “evils” of Las Vegas while Fr. David prepared to attend the Department of Evangelism committee meetings there, we missed a real danger that was lurking right in plain sight. Look at the website for St. Paul the Apostle Orthodox Church in Las Vegas, where the meetings will be held. You can see quite clearly that they have a church-sponsored email list!

Hopefully, we will receive Fr. David back whole after his encounter with this dangerous technology.

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Filed under: — Basil @ 5:11 pm