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Kevin Basil

This life is given to you for repentance. Do not waste it in vain pursuits.
Saint Isaac of Syria

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Flashy Usability

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Jakob Nielsen’s classic article Flash: 99.9% Bad has been updated. Evidently, Macromedia has been working hard to increase the usability of its Flash product. To the point: the Nielsen/Norman Group has partnered with Macromedia to educate Flash developers. Unfortunately, Jakob doesn’t seem to understand the usability benefits of the <a> tag’s id attribute. You have to scroll down to see the update.

Personally, I still have strong reservations about the usability of Flash, despite the improvements. I do not have either the Flash or the Shockwave plug-ins installed for my browser. Yet I find that if a site uses Flash or Shockwave in any form, I’m not missing anything. Most sites that use Flash technologies do not have any useful content.

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Filed under: — Basil @ 9:06 pm