Morning Coffee’s “Get to Know You” Quiz
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Morning Coffee: A “Get to Know You” Quiz
- Four places I go over and over
- Four people who encouraged my faith along the way
- Father Ignatius Smith, OFM
- Fr David Rucker
- Fr Joseph Gibson
- Clifford Davis
- Four of my favorite foods
- steak
- potato soup
- cream of mushroom soup
- beef stroganoff
- Four places I would rather be right now
- Four movies i would watch over and over
- Babette’s Feast
- Finding Nemo
- the director’s cuts of The Lord of the Rings trilogy
- The Hunt for Red October
- Four things i like about the Orthodox Church
- At its center, it is about reality, not religion
- since it is about reality, it is thoroughly multivalent on matters of opinion and taste
- everything in it always comes around to Christ, crucified and risen from the dead
- The PASCH!
- Four of my favorite hobbies
- reading a good book
- watching movies
- waiting for Godot
- endlessly browsing Facebook and comparing myself to all the successful people I have known who have kids and homes and cool jobs (with the freedom to go places and see things) and multiple degrees beyond college
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