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Artificially Created Stem Cells Used to Cure Sickle Cell in Mice

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Written by Basil on 12/9/2007 12:22 AM. Filed under:

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DailyTech – Artificially Created Stem Cells Cure Sickle Cell in Mice

Recently, scientists induced ordinary skin tissue cells to be pluripotent stem cells — a huge step that may allow all the advantages claimed for pluripotent stem cells without using any embryos. This research strongly indicates that it is indeed possible. Although the lead researcher states, “All the progress in this field was only possible because we had embryonic stem cells to work with first” (Washington Post), one wonders whether this research would have been pursued so vigorously had people of conscience not taken a stand, specifically by withholding tax dollars from embryonic stem cell research.

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3 Responses to “Artificially Created Stem Cells Used to Cure Sickle Cell in Mice”

  1. Gregory Says:

    That is quite interesting. I’d not heard of this. Thanks for the link, and I hope you’re well! Pray for me as I finish this thesis (and other work).

  2. Theodora Says:

    I think it would have, yes, Basil…because of the incredible pressure in the scientific community to do something New! Creative! An Original Contribution to the Field! Someone would have wanted to do it anyway just to see if it could be done.

    Also I think if people are going to have principled stands against using tax dollars for embryonic stem cell research, there need to be principled stands against using tax dollars for the fertility treatments that generate the extra embryos. I include personal “flex” dollars in that category.

  3. Basil Says:

    Theodora, absolutely. I am all for eliminating tax dollars for such things. In fact, were the government to operate in the restricted fashion envisioned by most libertarians, we wouldn’t even need an income tax anyway.