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I’m back. My Jeep was gone upon my return. I thought it was towed. Then, at the city impound, I saw that it had been towed from… Where? I don’t even know where that is! The missing spare tire, mutilated steering column and non-functioning ignition switch clinched it. Now I’m waiting on the insurance company to do it’s thing. I’m sure that I will post the entire story — long and sad — either here, on the mailing list or both.
I am on leave right now, but the transportation and — most importantly — money situation really did not support travelling. (A bus ticket to Lexington costs $200 round trip!) Curses.
I updated the St. Athanasius blogroll to include some of our newest members. I kept Rich Bowen’s name as Dr. Bacchus because — well, he’s Dr. Bacchus. It just seemed right.
There is also a new addition to Pilgrims: Ani Ruhama, alias Laura.