Updates ‘N’ Stuff
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I’m now on Facebook, which I can already tell I will like a lot better than myspace. I got a nice warm fuzzy when I saw it used php instead of coldfusion, then I saw that a lot of people that I already know have Facebooks. (Apparently, that’s the semantically correct way of referring to one’s profile.) After reading a New York Times article about Facebook, I was a little nervous that I would seem old and creepy. This was short-lived, as I found that many of my meatspace friends already have Facebooks.
I have been advanced to Sonar Technician Second Class. A second class petty officer is equivalent (by paygrade) to Sergeant in the Marine Corps or ArmySergeant in the Marine Corps or Army. Since, iIn the submarine force, the engineering rates all arrive at the boat as third class petty officers, because of their nuclear training, and most forward rates are fairly close to third class, as well. And, depending on one’s rate, third class advancement percentages can be fairly high. As a result, third classes are sometimes treated rather like seamen in the sub force. Second class, I’m already finding, is where more responsibility is truly given and expected.
We are going underway again, very soon. (That is why I have not posted very much here lately.) We will make a stop in Mayport in the middle of two weeks of midshipman ops and in Port Canaveral towards the end of the underway. Apparently, there is a rumor that we may see the Great and Elusive Swim Call, thought by some to be only a mythical beast.
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