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Kevin Basil

Here love truly does not seek its own, even if this be the salvation of one’s own soul.
Saint Marie Skobtsova of Paris

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Firefly Available from iTunes Music Store

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Stop the presses! iTunes Music Store: Firefly, Season 1. Why are you still reading this?

Firefly aired on Fox for an aborted season of 12 (out of 14) episodes. Creator Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer and spin-offs) crafted a series about realistic characters and freedom that just happened to be set after a galactic civil war had been won in favor of an empire that looks suspiciously like a mix between post-bellum federalist America, the current United States, and the Galactic Empire of George Lucas’ imagination. (The losers — that is, the protagonists of the story — are Rebels. Go figure.)

But, let me reiterate, the story is about people — believable characters. As such, it appeals to far more than just the nerd who wears Darth Vader outfits to Comicons. For proof, see the critical reviews of the film that resulted from this series last year, Serenity (such as the one by Orson Scott Card that I mentioned just after its release).

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