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Kevin Basil

Orthodoxy is the best-kept secret in America, and it is our fault — we Orthodox. For too long we have been concerned with maintaining our little ethnic ghettos. America needs the Orthodox faith.
Metropolitan Philip, Antiochian Archdiocese

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What a HUGE waste of my money. I just purchased what I thought was a various artists compilation of ’80s hits, including “One Night in Bangkok” and “Puttin’ on the Ritz.” I should have realized that $8 for a 2 CD set seemed a bit low.

I fell for the oldest trick in the book. I bought a tribute CD. Except it doesn’t even say “tribute” anywhere. Best Buy is selling CDs that look like compilations of hits from various periods, but beware. They don’t list the artist after each song, and in small print at the bottom of the back cover it says, “Performed by Countdown Singers.”


It would be OK if these were decent covers, but I swear I could have done better with GarageBand. These people have never heard of syncing their synth tracks.

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