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Kevin Basil

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Metropolitan Philip, Antiochian Archdiocese

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Insurgents Feign Funeral Processions to Attack Coalition Forces

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According to a recent CNN article, guerilla forces in Iraq will stage fake funeral processions as a ruse to attack coalition forces. Similarly, they will plant IEDs in corpses and hold children while firing on coalition troops.

U.S. forces regularly sweep the roads for bombs, and insurgents sometimes try to remove them, then replace them. Another tactic: dropping a harmless piece of trash by the roadside one day, planting explosives in it the next, then arming it later and triggering it from blocks away with a cordless telephone.

There’s a certain irony here. Their rhetoric decries the West and its values, but they use our technology to detonate IEDs. Further irony lies in the following fact:

Insurgents in Ramadi have destroyed the city’s cell phone towers and land lines, cutting off a key avenue for locals to tip off U.S. and Iraqi forces of guerrilla activities. People sympathetic to U.S. or Iraqi troops are especially targeted by insurgents, who have issued warnings with black spray paint on villa walls calling for collaborators to be killed.

They use cell phones to detonate IEDs, then cripple their own ability to use cell phones, because Iraqis sympathetic to coalition forces could use them to warn us. Centralized planning, we see once again, not a strong suit for guerilla warfare.

Read more: CNN.com – Iraqi insurgents use mannequins, pigeons to kill – Apr 9, 2006

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