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Kevin Basil

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Albert Einstein

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April Fools’ Joke a Day Late

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Evolution theory on last legs, says seminary teacher

The dateline is April 2. It should have been in the previous day’s paper. Seriously.

That debate is fueled by a belief that Darwinian evolution is linked to atheism, said Eugenie Scott, director of the National Center for Science Education and a former UK professor.

“This is actually, I think, key to understanding this whole controversy in this country: people think that because science restricts itself to a natural cause, it’s therefore saying that God had nothing to do with it,” Scott said.

Color me shocked. That’s the best quote in a newspaper article on creationism and evolution that I’ve ever read. It sums up exactly the entire problem and its solution: Teach Christians to integrate science into a consistent, coherent worldview that is both orthodox and modern.

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