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Kevin Basil

He who sings prays twice.
Saint Augustine

«— Hacker Hatchery
—» Authority and Qualification

Yet Another Inconclusive Study of Aspartame

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The Safety of Aspartame – New York Times

Amazingly, though I’m told the web is full of damning evidence that aspartame — a sweetener made from aspartic acid and phenylalanine — is E-VILLE, this NYT editorial says that

a provocative if inconclusive report that says aspartame may cause cancer, even at levels long considered safe.

If all this evidence is available, why is yet another report inconclusive, when the sweetener has been studied and restudied since it was first introduced in 1970?

What’s that you say? It was only introduced in 1980? Well, you see, it was first introduced in 1970, at the height of the media-induced saccharine scare. So, the FDA recalled it, deciding to study it further. Ten years later, it was the most widely studied artificial sweetener and received FDA approval. Twenty-six years later, hints and rumors still do not amount to damnation.

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