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Sheehan Backstory

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Written by Basil on 08/14/2005 9:22 AM. Filed under:

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The rest of the story about Cindy Sheehan

“Dead soldier’s mom wants answers,” the headlines say – but they don’t ask tough questions.
Cincinnati Enquirer

Original article on Sheehan republished

“I now know he’s sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis,” Cindy said after their meeting. “I know he’s sorry and feels some pain for our loss. And I know he’s a man of faith.”
Vacaville Reporter

More on Sheehan from local paper

Patrick Sheehan has declined to comment publicly about his wife’s efforts.

His family, however, issued terse e-mailed comments on Thursday.

“We do not agree with the political motivations and publicity tactics of Cindy Sheehan. She now appears to be promoting her own personal agenda and notoriety at the expense of her son’s good name and reputation,” read the e-mail signed by Casey’s aunt, Cherie Quartarolo, on behalf of his paternal grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.

“The Sheehan family lost our beloved Casey in the Iraq War and we have been silently, respectfully grieving,” the e-mail stated. “The rest of the Sheehan family supports the troops, our country and our president, silently, with prayer and respect.”

Mrs. Sheehan’s response, from the beginning of the article:

The protesting 48-year-old mother …[noted] her in-laws who were “disagreeing with me in strong terms, which is totally okay with me, because they barely knew Casey.”
Vacaville Reporter

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2 Responses to “Sheehan Backstory”

  1. Zanna Says:

    As the mom of a son who recently returned from Afghanistan (remember that place?) and who is suffering from post-traumatic-stress despite the minimal gunfights he experienced, I would ask everyone to have compassion and reserve their judgment of Cindy Sheehan. It is difficult enough to find the way to sleep at night when one’s child is halfway around the world with no idea of what (s)he’s experiencing or what one can do to keep them safe. Worse yet, are those dreadful moments when you ponder what you’d do if they didn’t come back. My decision (although I wasn’t forced to make it) was that I would personally hold George W. responsible, and would proceed to the White House or wherever to make my deep loss known. I told my husband to expect that he might lose me as well — for after all, the job of a parent is to protect one’s children. My job, after my son’s father died tragically of cancer when my son was but 12, had intensified – I was to be mother, father, protector, breadwinner, teacher, disciplinarian and essentially everything for my son. To expect that I could move from that place to one of acceptance of his loss is beyond comprehension.

    Cindy and I share this — we understand our roles as one of protector and defender of our sons. We were forced to accept our sons’ decisions to enter the military, and we did. But I — and probably Cindy — could never, would never, and would not want to accept his death at the hands of another who has no compunction, love for, nor need to protect my son. As for me, George W. is responsible, and were I able to — I’d be there with Cindy, holding her hand and hoping she’d do the same for me if the tables were turned.

    Cindy — I understand your love of your son. I understand your anger. I stand with you.

    For those who don’t understand — place accept that. You don’t understand. You don’t need to understand.

  2. Basil Says:

    Sorry if there was a delay in responding, Zanna. I was on duty yesterday.

    I can assure you that our Commander-in-Chief understands his responsibility for the lost lives of our comrades. Currently our military is the strongest it has ever been because it is an all-volunteer force. Think of that. Not one of us has been conscripted. Though many of us may have joined for assistance in paying for college (that’s me, by the way), no one thought, “This will be like Disneyland.” Not even before the attacks on the World Trade Center did anyone get through basic training for their respective branch of service without realizing, “Oh, my God. I could kill someone. I could be shot at.”

    Ms. Sheehan had her audience with the President; what happened between that time and now? Did President Bush change? I dare say that this really is not about Ms. Sheehan’s anger or grief or even her need for answers that will never come no more than they have ever come to any mother or widow or orphan of war.