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Kevin Basil

He who sings prays twice.
Saint Augustine

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Like “Crocodile” But Not Spelled That Way

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Somewhere along the way, I heard Mark Knopfler‘s name mentioned along with the names of thoughtful lyricists. I also heard it mentioned among the names of great guitarists. Yet, I don’t think until now that I’ve heard anything he’s done since Dire Straits.

Thanks to the wonderfully diverse radio stations here in Portsmouth, I heard “Boom, Like That” (iTunes, lyrics) the other night. It gave me a tingly feeling that I haven’t had in a long time — the same feeling you get when you meet a beautiful girl who likes you. It’s not the kind of song that would do well on radio that caters to the Top 40 demographic; it’s the kind of song that musicians and writers tend to like.

Or my name’s not Kroc / That’s Kroc with a “K” / Like “crocodile” / But not spelled that way, now / …Well we build it up / And I buy ’em out / But, man they made me / Grind it out, now / They open up a new place / Flipping meat / So I do, too / Right across the street / I got the name / I need the town / They sell up in the end / And it all shuts down

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