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Kevin Basil

Here love truly does not seek its own, even if this be the salvation of one’s own soul.
Saint Marie Skobtsova of Paris

«— Synod Meets
—» Abp Iakovos Falls Asleep in the Lord

Bravery Via Nichole

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Been thinking about some things I want to blog about, but this one made me stop the press.

Nichole Nordeman has a new album due out on May 24, entitled Brave. The interview discusses why she waited nearly three years between this release and her last studio project, Woven and Spun. What is interesting for me is that recently I’ve been rediscovering her music.

Her first two albums were simply astounding in their honesty and sensitivity, both to human searching and to the majesty and mystery of God. Unfortunately, those two CDs were stolen from me (along with others) in a back alley in Wilmore, Kentucky. It would be funny if it weren’t my own story (and if I hadn’t lost so many CDs). So, when I bought the Mac and started wasting all my paychecks on iTunes, I bought both the albums that I hadn’t heard in years. The music was still fresh, just like the first day I heard it. So, a week ago, I bought Woven and Spun, which was weaker than the first two, but still grabbed me. So, tonight, I Googled for her to see what she was up to.

Now I’m really psyched.

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