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Kevin Basil

“The more I study the history of the Orthodox Church in this country, the more I am convinced that our work here is God's work; that God himself is helping us; that when it seems as though everything we do is ready to fail, …on the contrary, it not only does not die, but grows in new strength and brilliance.” [said just before leaving the United States for Russia]
Saint Tikhon, enlightener of America

«— Advent or Not-Advent
—» On Discernment: Truly Finding God

Why I Am Not a Very Good Christian, Really

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My roommate hums. Not tunes you can recognize, but a sort of indefinable tonality at a very low volume that occasionally breaks out into two or three notes before returning to the low buzzing. It drives me nuts.

Perhaps more annoying is that when he is not humming, he wants to talk to me. Not about anything that I want to talk to him about, really. Rather, he just opens his mouth and whatever happens to be upstairs at the time comes tumbling down and out the front door.

If I walk in and he is watching a video, he takes my transfixation on the screen as interest, and proceeds to tell me everything I really did not care to know about whatever it is. Which is usually some drivel on the WB or a nearly-constant stream of anime. I find anime interesting only when done exquisitely by masters. Most of it you can take out the door when you leave, thank you. Which could not be soon enough.

If I were a real Christian, I would take this as an opportunity to find grace and show him love and…. Instead, I usually ignore him. After all, nearly anything else would encourage the behavior, right? Damn you, B. F. Skinner!

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