Eucharist 2004
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This Thanksgiving I have some things for which I am truly thankful.
Thanks to the Lord for my girlfriend and her beautiful little girl who serve as a constant reminder that I should pray for “mercy, life, peace, health, salvation and visitation, and pardon and remission of sins” for them and myself. They are indeed the greatest gift God has bestowed upon me this year.
This week I was frocked Petty Officer Third Class. Frocking is an advancement prior to one’s actual advancement in paygrade. From the frocking letter I received:
- Under reference (a), you are hereby authorized to assume the title and wear the uniform of a Petty Officer Third Class effective immediately.
- Your appointment carries with it the obligation that you exercise increased authority and willingly accept greater responsibility. Occupying now a position of greater authority, you must strive with a renewed dedication toward the valued ideal of service with honor.
- Under reference (a), you will not be entitled to pay and other monetary allowances of a Petty Officer Third Class until actually advanced to the pay grade for which you have been selected.
- Congratulations!
I am thankful for the prayers of my brothers and sisters at St. Athanasius and St. Nicholas parishes.
I am thankful for the lessons I have learned through military service in the world’s strongest and finest Navy, primarily those of obedience and organization.
We give you thanks, Christ God, for all your earthly gifts. Do not deprive us of your heavenly kingdom, but, as you came among your disciples, O savior, granting them your peace, come also among us, and save us.