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Kevin Basil

“Satan is angry at what has been done here tonight, and the devil will seek to attack you, personally and corporately, to sow seeds of doubt and sin.” [in an exhortation to newly-illumined faithful at St. John the Forerunner, Indianapolis]
Archbishop Job of Chicago and the Midwest

«— The Name Game, Part II
—» War Report

And the Winner Is…

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I finally received my absentee ballot in the mail today. Given the small window I now have for submitting it, I had little choice but to fill it out almost immediately and get it back in the postal system. Regular readers of this blog are already familiar — painfully so — with my angst over whom to choose for Executive. After class, I rushed back to the barracks, changed clothes (my daily uniform is not one that can be worn off-base), and quickly ended my indecision. I sat at my desk, looked my God in the eye, and silently asked for guidance.

My choice in an upcoming article to be published after the Election.

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