Kevin Basil (signature)

Stats: Spooky and Sweet

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Written by Basil on 10/22/2004 9:38 PM. Filed under:

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Looking at my stats, my number one search term for the October month has been “spooky car ad,” for which I am the third link on Google.

A little further down the list, but much more endearing in the long term, is the phrase, “dappled light.” Two years ago, I wrote a short ode to the advent of autumn. Now my momentary conjunction of words is a top search term in Google. That article is second.

This weblog is on the eighth page of Google listings for “basil.” This keeps fluctuating. A few days ago, it was page six. A month or so ago is was page ten. Then nine. Now it’s just fluctuating around the seven to eight range. Page one will be mine. Again. Then, total domination.

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2 Responses to “Stats: Spooky and Sweet”

  1. basil Says:

    Oy? That’s all you can say in the face of my unmitigated hubris? OY?!

    Indeed. You shall be the first against the wall when comes the revolution. 😉