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Kevin Basil

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
Benjamin Franklin

«— Mutterings for October 10
—» A Short Instruction on Marriage

Devedge Murdered

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Warning: Undefined property: linknotes::$are_links in /var/www/vhosts/basil/kbsite/blog/wp-content/plugins/linknotes.php on line 73
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devedge.netscape.com has been killed. Mozillazine reports that Mitchell Baker is hoping to revive much of the content on mozilla.org. For the time being, much of it can be found on the Wayback Machine. Specifically, if you were using the great sidebar tabs provided by devedge, then you can hack the bookmark URL to keep them working. Add the following immediately before “http://devedge.netscape.com/” in the bookmark manager:

Unfortunately, the links will lead to the webarchive version of those pages instead of the W3c sites, but that is acceptable for the time being. Long live the wonderful Wayback Machine, savior of online content everywhere. And good luck to Mitchell Baker and the Mozilla Foundation in recovering the content.

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