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Kevin Basil

Sure, evolution as such is not to be found in the book containing what God gave Moses as an explanation of origins suitable for illiterate nomads. No, and beer is not mentioned in the Bible either, though man has been making it for about twelve centuries.
Bishop Tikhon of San Francisco, Los Angeles and the West

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I treated myself to an evening at Olive Garden this evening, then I ambled over to Best Buy and purchased a cheap digital camera. All in all, a good night.

At the Olive Garden, I had a bowl of Pasta e Fagioli and breadsticks, with a glass of Black Swan Shiraz. My bartender must have thought I needed carbs, since he brought three breadsticks for a single patron in the first basket! The shiraz was very smooth; I’ve learned from Dr. Bacchus that a good shiraz goes well with spicy, tomato-based foods. It was good to have a good experience after having a glass of cabernet at Chili’s a few months ago which turned out sharp and acidic and just rather cheap. My only objection to the Black Swan was that it was almost too smooth. Shiraz typically has a bold, distinctive flavor; it almost seemed like this was the radio single version: tamed and accessible. But that’s a quibble; it was a wonderful glass of wine.

I concluded with the Black Tie Mousse Cake and a cup of coffee, with cream and sugar. The sweeteners are slickly packaged in these cool, Italian looking wrappers: long and slender. However, I did not remember that the three sweeteners are distinguished by the color at the tips of the packets: light blue for Equal, pink for Sweet ‘n’ Low, white for cane sugar. I picked up blue, and I don’t remember anything after that.

At Best Buy, I shopped for a digital camera. I had a fairly simple set of guidelines: Cheap, while still producing acceptable images, cheap, cheap and cheap. Basically, I went in looking for the least expensive camera they had. I settled on the Olympus D-395. Since it’s the cheapest, it does not have optical zoom, but it turns out that it doesn’t really matter that much for my purposes. At the time of this writing, I haven’t noticed any pixelation, though there are other reasons making optical zoom optimal.

For simply having a digital camera, I am impressed with the Olympus. I could have spent about thirty-five dollars more and purchased a Sony with more mega-pixels. The usability factor of real batteries pushed me over the edge in favor of the D-395. I prefer buying batteries, and being back in business in seconds, to waiting for hours while an eccentric, product-unique battery charges.

I felt now was the time to purchase a camera, even though prudence nearly persuaded me to wait and use a camera as a reward for saving some money. Now is the time because, hopefully, in a few weeks I’ll take some leave. I’ll see M and the Little One, and I want to get some pictures!

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Filed under: — Basil @ 11:58 pm