Irony at Asbury
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I started smoking when I was a student at Asbury College. Asbury prohibits smoking, drinking, dancing, and hanging out with anyone who’s hip. It is ironic because, in a sense, Asbury’s rules were the catalyst for my smoking.
My reasoning was this: I was very depressed over being amorously rejected by a classmate of mine, and I wanted a good buzz. Two or three beers beyond tipsy. (I rarely even get tipsy, by the way. This was a point of weakness, not a habit of mind.) The rules being what they were, I risked automatic expulsion on the spot if I was caught. So I decided instead to get a pack of cigarettes to get my buzz on. Still outlawed, but I would get counseled and offered help to quit if caught but not expelled.
I don’t blame Asbury for my habit, but it is still funny that I smoke because I went to Asbury.