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Kevin Basil

Here love truly does not seek its own, even if this be the salvation of one’s own soul.
Saint Marie Skobtsova of Paris

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Turning Up Truffles Every Now and Then

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Someone I know used to say that “even a blind pig can turn up a truffle every now and then.” Unfortunately, that’s the quote I thought of when I read an article on the Canticle of the Theotokos (the Magnificat) called “Mary’s Song.” I hate that quote; remembering it in this context just shows my sinfulness and pride.

Certainly, this article has much that makes me wince. For example, saying that first century Jewish music (and first century Christian music, by extension) was “mournful,” and that it was mournful because it “did not include clapping and smiling. No, the melodies and lyrics were cheerless-in fact I think they must have all been in minor keys to reflect the depressing attitude of these people.” — I have to shake my head — that’s just ethnocentric and false. I’ve talked about this before.

Yet, here is a beautiful example of a man listening to the Holy Spirit and rejecting falsehood in the traditions of men — namely the Reformed insistence on silence with regard to the Mother of God. This time of year, it’s acceptable for our separated brethren to preach about the Virgin Mary, extolling her and obeying the Bible’s prophecy and command that “all generations shall call [Mary] blessed.” Thank God for Advent and Christmas; one wonders if Reformed Christians would ever hear about Christ’s mother otherwise. I shudder to think what people learn in Baptist parishes where Christmas and Easter are silently ignored. There are certainly false teachings about Mary among all Christians — Catholic and Orthodox included. Yet, this Lady is always leading us to her Son; her last recorded words in Scripture are, “Do what he tells you.” Perhaps the greater error is not in paying too much attention to her but in paying too little.

So, to Pastor Mark Adams: Amen, brother! Hallelujah, glory to God! (Help him, Jesus!)

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Filed under: — Basil @ 8:11 pm