Interview for Mr. Hibbity Gibbity
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Interview questions for Mr. Hibbity Gibbity:
- What did you study in college? Why do you despise your drawing teacher so much? What dreams do you have that persuaded you to this course of study?
- You have mentioned elsewhere that you once attended a church where you found what you’ve “never been able to find any where else… The Holy Spirit. ” This sounds like the saddest thing I could think of — to find God, the Holy Spirit, and then leave him. What compelled you to do this? Can you go back? If not, why not? If so, why haven’t you yet?
- Who is your favorite super-hero? Why? Of all the things which this super-hero has done and endured, which ones made you the angriest at the writers?
- Which is better: DC or Marvel? Explain.
- Who is your favorite saint?

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