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Kevin Basil

When you have become God's in the measure he desires, then he himself will bestow you upon others, unless, to your greater glory, he choose to keep you all to himself.
Saint Basil the Great

«— Dormition of the Holy Website
—» The Interview

Next Stop: World Domination!

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I am happy to note that this website appears fourth in a Google search for “basil.” I am chagrinned to note that it is buried on page 27 of a search for “kevin,” — behind askew sites for film directors, six million degrees of sites for actors, and boxes full of sites glorifying convicted crackers. But that’s O.K., because “kevin” doesn’t concern me so much. What I aim for now is complete domination of “basil.” I want to own it on Google.

Five seconds of fame isn’t too much to ask, is it?

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Filed under: — Basil @ 2:42 pm