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Kevin Basil

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Albert Einstein

«— Taizé, Orthodoxy, and Ecumenism
—» It’s Funny. Laugh.

The Death of a Child

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In January of 2002, Vera Faith Lord testified before the senate about her experience with abortion, and Archpriest John Breck dedicated his latest Life in Christ article to reproducing it. Transcript of Presentation in Dirksen Senate Hearing Room #106, Jan 22, 2002 details the experience of a woman who has suffered for the past nineteen years with grief over the child she killed by abortion. Lord leads the Orthodox pro-life effort — both in action and in reputation. In another article on the same subject, she further expresses the sufferings of post-abortive mothers.

I’m not asking you to march in parades and wave placards and sign petitions or even to put a bumper sticker on your car. I can’t do any of those things. I am not a placard-waving-in-your-face activist. Here it is: The next time anyone, even a dearly valued friend or family member tells you, “It’s a woman’s choice,” don’t say anything. Just give them a copy of this article. If reading this can make one person even just begin to reconsider their “Pro-Choice” position, I have succeeded.

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Filed under: — Basil @ 5:20 pm