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Kevin Basil

Sure, evolution as such is not to be found in the book containing what God gave Moses as an explanation of origins suitable for illiterate nomads. No, and beer is not mentioned in the Bible either, though man has been making it for about twelve centuries.
Bishop Tikhon of San Francisco, Los Angeles and the West

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Wayne responds to my earlier blog about his proposal. My first response is, “You are obviously deep in research on your proposal, whereas I have not done any serious philosphy since I graduated in 1997.” (Read: I’m rusty.)

However, this statement stands out: “Moreover, how would one even verify that first person reports are generally correct?” I think perhaps this is really the crux of my discomfort. Essentially, questioning an agent’s reports about internal processes gets into competing argumentia ad ignorantia. In general, we trust a person’s reports about internal states, unless we know that individual to be unreliable in toto, because we have no means of objective disconfirmation.

That’s not really a response. I need to digest more of Wayne’s blog. That’s more of a note on the smell of the food.

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Filed under: — Basil @ 1:09 pm