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Kevin Basil

This life is given to you for repentance. Do not waste it in vain pursuits.
Saint Isaac of Syria

«— Credo in unum Deum
—» Everybody Dies

Just a Clarification….

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I hope my last blog was not too harsh. Dean responded to it quite quickly, as I might have expected. “And if you do have a complaint, concern, comment, how about directing it my way first? If I’m a jerk, then beat me with your blogs.” I hope you didn’t take the late night ramblings of a sinner too personally, man. Part of what I do with this blogging beast is blather. It’s sort of like a journal, except I don’t put private stuff in it. (Believe me, you would not want to read it anymore if I did.)

Dean, if I was upset enough to want a change, I would email you first. But, as I said, it really doesn’t bother me, except that it does. Enough to ejaculate some quick thoughts on it. Not enough to complain directly via email. Which is why I hope you don’t take it personally.

And you should not feel like I’m beating you up. Especially with technical, legal, and somnolency issues plaguing you, giving credence to a pompous windbag is probably not a good idea, man. Please accept my apologies if my random mumbling added to your stress.

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Filed under: — Basil @ 1:20 am