“Satan is angry at what has been done here tonight, and the devil will seek to attack you, personally and corporately, to sow seeds of doubt and sin.” [in an exhortation to newly-illumined faithful at St. John the Forerunner, Indianapolis]
—Archbishop Job of Chicago and the Midwest
«— Finally, After Ages of Ages
—» Umm. Yeah. Or NOT!
July 30, 2002
This Is Not the Droid You’re Looking For
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Tim can’t imagine why anyone would want Mozilla to look like Internet Explorer. Well, let me give you a taste of the Cluestick: Some employers believe in forcing specific clients down their users’ throats. Yes, yes, I know. Amazing, isn’t it? Anyway, in such a situation, making a verboten Good Client look like the required Bad Client is a Good ThingTM.
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