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Kevin Basil

He who sings prays twice.
Saint Augustine

«— Or not….
—» Native is Better

“I Only Lied About Being a Thief”

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It’s not really all that unusual for Slashdot to run a story about downloading music. But, while surfing links from that original article, I found “The Internet Debacle — An Alternative View” by accomplished songwriter and performer Janis Ian. My favorite quote from that article: “Again, from personal experience: in 37 years as a recording artist, I’ve created 25+ albums for major labels, and I’ve never once received a royalty check that didn’t show I owed them money.” [emphasis in original] It’s amazing to me how often musicians that I really respect line up in droves to tell the RIAA where they can stow their baggage. The music industry as it is currently structured is a scam. Consumers are overcharged and performers are underpaid. Where does the excess go?

Three guesses, and the first two don’t count.

Last night, I watched Ocean’s Eleven with Lisa and Tim. Since this is the third time I’ve seen it, it goes without saying that I think it’s a groovy flick. Tim Dominey (no relation) had some interesting things to say about the film’s poster design.

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Filed under: — Basil @ 9:52 am